Fishing trips Perth depart Hillary’s Fishing Boat Harbour to Rottnest Island, Garden Island and to the edge of the continental shelf of Australia.  Modern, safe, deep sea fishing charter boat Perth. Deep sea fishing Perth video
Discount group day or night fishing charters Perth, Fishing trips Perth or whole Boat charters for Swan River cruises, Rottnest Island boat trips. Book a Fishing Charter Boat Perth
Deep sea fishing trip Perth to Rottnest, Rods and reels and lunch supplied.


Perth fishermen photo.
Results of fishing in Perth. More Fishing Photos.
Photo of fish caught off the coast of Perth, between Perth and Rottnest.


Fishing videos Perth
Deep sea fishing video Perth, out of Hillarys Boat Harbour on a day charter fishing trip.


Perth Fishing Questions and Answers

What is a demersal fish? Demersal scalefish live on or near the ocean floor usually in depths of more than 20 metres, although they can be found in other areas.

What are the Perth demersal fishing season open and close dates? Closed:
1 February 2025 to 1 April 2025 (inclusive)
1 August 2025 to 16 September 2025 (inclusive)
1 October 2025 to 16 Dec 2026 (inclusive)
It is prohibited to fish for, take, or possess on a boat or land certain demersal scalefish in Perth and within the West Coast bioregion (from Kalbarri to Augusta, Western Australia) during these dates.

What fish to catch in Perth? When? Season and where?
  1. Popular Perth fishing in summer:
    1. Beach Herring and tailor at dawn and sunset.
    2. Catch Whiting from boats.
    3. Crayfish in pots or with a snare.
    4. Crabbing near Mandurah in the Murray River/Peel Inlet and Swan River.
    5. Pelagic fish at FADs near Perth and Rottnest Island.
    6. Salmon run past Perth late summer to early autumn.
    7. Garfish Cockburn Sound
  2. Perth winter fishing season:
    1. Snapper and skippy. Boat fishing over reefs and in Cockburn Sound.
    2. Bream in the Swan River.
    3. Squid season in Perth is in Winter.


4WD beach fishing ute.

A real fisherman’s friend is a modified upgraded 4WD

Google Fishing Spots Map by

Fishing was a website promoting a recreational fishing business in Perth. This premium domain name is for sale at an investment price of $600 with all it’s do follow backlink juice. Buy it before it’s gone for all types of fishing in Perth including deep sea fishing charter businesses in Perth.
Ben is a keen sports fisherman, fishing writer in Perth and IGFA World record holder fishing at Aitutaki Cook Islands South Pacific.
Beach Hotel Perth Near Hillarys Fishing Boat Harbour.
Fishermans Accommodation Perth WA.
Apartments for sale Perth.
Surfing Australia including photos and videos.
Street Map of Perth. New home builder Perth WA.
If you’ve been fishing near Perth post your Perth fishing news and photo in the Perth Facebook Fishing Forum. Digital marketing Perth with an expert Perth SEO specialist for the best, affordable digital marketing advice in Perth.

World Fishing Record

Who in Perth has a gold embossed, world fishing record from the International Game Fishing Association (IGFA) sent from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, America? I do. I’m Ben Grummels keen fisherman with some Aitutaki fishing stories. The world record photo below is the line class record. Click the previous link to see my world fishing record.


What are Perth recreational fishing rules in 2025? What are 2025 Perth fishing season dates? See the chart below from the DPIRD showing Perth fishing season open and close dates for the protection of fish in and near Perth?

What are Perth recreational fishing rules in 2025? What are 2025 Perth fishing season dates?

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