Search Engine Optimisation Perth

Professional SEO in Perth by our SEOing experts in Perth has been successful in cost effectively lifting the site popularity of the Perth clients we have applied our “white hat” organic SEO strategies for.  SEO avoids the need for continual PPC marketing.  As a Perth SEO company, 4 Web Marketing understands the “white hat” “organic” SEO needs of our Perth clients better than expensive SEO companies from the eastern states of Australia, however because our SEO is the best in Perth Australia, most of our clients are outside of Perth.


SEO Perth Example

SEARCH ENGINE optimization (SEO) gets your target keywords/phrases on the first couple of pages in the “natural” / “organic” search results.  Not the sponsored results across the top and RHS of search engine pages, which only 15% of people click.  SEO Perth example:  If I search for “copywriting for seo australia” in a major search engine you might, depending on the search engine used, see our own 4 Web Marketing website come up first in the search engine results page (SERP) in the organic section. We got there for that phrase by applying expert SEO strategies in Perth.  The beauty of SEO is it self-qualifies customer traffic from search engines to your website/sales information. Our SEO in Perth has worked for years without Pay Per Click payment. (“Adwords” is a Google brand name for a PPC service. PPC applied to a search engine is known as “search engine marketing” SEM)  If you are going to run an SEO campaign for an event in Perth you need to plan your SEO well ahead. Our SEO experts in Perth recommend you read: SEO timeline. Pay per click is better than SEO for sort run events such as a concert in Perth but in the long run SEO gets a better ROI for your web marketing investment.  Below are examples of SEO done in Perth by “4 Web Marketing”:

More SEO Perth screen shots.
Never select an SEO company in Perth on price. Ask what COMPETITIVE phrases have you achieved good “organic” search engine ranking?

SEO Perth Results

Example: SEO built one of the most popular website about Perth with 1% of our SEOer’s time SEOing in Perth’s northern suburbs. Without one cent spent on traditional marketing strategies such as even a business card nor bumper sticker etc.

Who Needs SEO in Perth?

SEO in Perth is not needed if you’re targeting a non-competitive phrase such as “origami west perth”  SEO in Perth is for competitive (lucrative) phrases such as “copywriting for seo australia” for which our Perth SEO company is usually 1st on major search engines. SEO in Perth is for competitive phrases including the word “perth” which have a good chance for a lucrative return on SEO investment. If you sell bubble gum only at an East Perth deli, then save your money but if you are a lawyer in Perth, your law practice would benefit from SEO in Perth by phoning SEO experts in Perth.
This Perth website is owned by 4 Web Marketing, specialised in Perth SEO since 1999. SEO expert Ben Grummels was introduced to the Australian Academic Research Network (AARNet) in 1992 while working for Curtin University and therefore understands SEO better than most expert Perth SEO consultants who are often graphic designers having moved to an online medium and believe populating the keywords meta tag is all it takes for successful SEO. SEO strategies in Perth go far beyond that.

SEO Content Writing for SEO Companies in Perth

4 Web Marketing provides an SEO content writing service for Perth SEO companies. If you would like us to review/edit your website copywriting for better search position ranking, phone our Perth SEO experts. We frequently ask clients in our Perth office: “why would you expect a search engine to give you a position for a phrase which is not even on your page?” One of many obvious SEO considerations for us but until we mention some SEO factors while analysing our Perth clients’ sites, there can be little SEO improvement. We write authoritative content to engage Perth readers but more importantly, it’s copywriting for SEO.
Social signals: Tweets, Shares, +1, Likes, Follow, Reviews
Setting up and explaining benefits of Google+ prifiles in Perth
Explaning the benefits of recognised “authorship” and implementing strategies.

How to Select an SEO Expert in Perth

  1. Ask your potential SEO expert in Perth this question: “What COMPETITIVE phrases have you got on page one of major search engines for your clients?” If they say “luxury lawn bowing equipment south perth” then select alternative SEO services in Perth. Pick our SEOing Perth experts.
  2. Copy paste potential SEOer’s business site URL into to see how popular they are. You won’t be able to check spam SEOer’s sites because they usually hide their URL by sending spam via webmail such as Gmail or Hotmail.

seo strategies Perth

SEO experts Perth

Contact Address: 52 Gibson Ave, Padbury 6025

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