Swan River Cruise Boat Sightseeing Trips Fremantle Perth
The Swan River is Perth’s largest river and main geographical focal point of Perth. The Swan River is fed by the Avon and Canning rivers. Most Swan River cruise embarkation locations are at Barrack Street Jetty. Cruise past Kings Park and at Port Fremantle where some Swan River cruises enter the Indian Ocean to head out to Rottnest Island, Cockburn Sound and Garden Island. Most Swan River wine cruises depart from the Barrack Street Jetty near Elizabeth Quay and the Swan Bell Tower. They then meander northeast to vineyards for wine tasting in the Swan Valley.
The cheapest Swan River cruise to Perth is by catching the public transport ferry from the dock at South Perth. Smooth catamaran ferries such as the Phillip Pedal, in the photo at the top of this webpage, cruse the Swan River frequently. 1 zone ferry price is $2.48 using the discounted Smart Rider card. Even more with eligible concessions such as free for pensioners with the Seniors Card after 9am.

On past Australia Days nearly half a million Perthite’s line the banks of Perth’s Swan River to watch Australia Day events over the Swan including the massive City of Perth Skyworks, fireworks display over the top of the middle of the Swan River at Perth Waters. The date of the Australia Day Skyworks event over the Swan River of 26 January 2021 was cancelled.
What time and where will 26 January Australia Day celebrations be held in Perth
The 2025 Perth Skyworks fireworks display is replaced by a Lightshow with 2025 details to be announced.
King’s Park near the Swan River is a good vantage point to see “Perth Waters” bounded by Swan River banks near the Perth CBD to South Perth. Sailing is an enjoyable way to see Perth from the Swan River. For brief, cheap, Swan River Cruises, use your all-day bus ticket from “Trans Perth” to cross the Swan River from Barrack Street Jetty to South Perth. Visit the South Perth Zoo which is 10 minutes walk from the Swan River. Peak-hour commuters use Swan River ferries to cruise home fast to distant ports of the Swan River without the stress of traffic jams. Functions held on Swan River cruises include Perth weddings, birthday parties, Christmas parties, hen’s night, wine tastings, business meetings, family reunions etc. The Swan River is broad at “Perth Waters” but I remember before the Narrows Bridge / Mitchell Freeway ramps were built, the Swan River edged right up to Mounts Bay Road. Several Swan River charter boats take group bookings for Swan River cruises. Others boats have scheduled Swan River cruises.
The photo below is of the Duyfkin sail cruising the Swan River from Fremantle to Perth:

Swan River History
The Swan River was named after the many black swans by Dutch explorer Willem de Vlamingh in 1696 ninety years after the Dutch discovered Australia.
French explorer: Nicholas Baudin was sailing on the Swan River 100 years before the Federation of Australia.
Photos of the Swan River
An enjoyable way to take photos of the Swan River is by cycling paths around the Swan River. Jon and I ride:
- Short cycle ride: Perth Waters: Windan Bridge / Causeway bridges
- Medium cycle ride of Canning River: Canning Bridge / Mt Henry Bridge
- Long cycle ride of about 40km: Narrows Bridge / Fremantle Bridge / Canning Bridge
Swan River night party cruise photo of “Perth Waters”
Swan River cruise view, East Perth on a wine cruise to the Swan Valley.
Just type “river” into search box at the Perth Photo Gallery for more photos of the Swan River.
Swan River Cruise by Yacht
Many Swan River cruises up the Swan River go to wineries in the Swan Valley. If you want to see/taste more, then an alternative schedule that suits you, non-ferry timetables, with more options such as private/family/birthday parties in the valley then book a Swan Valley wine tour.
Check out the below links: